Steve Neumann drafted an Executive Summary for the Ecological Component of our future plan that focuses on two primary goals:
- Multi-use recreational opportunities and facilities
- Ecological and habitat renovation
(Read the full Executive Summary here)
Having a Master Plan better positions Canal Shores to be able to attract the robust resources (grants, donations, expertise, and volunteers) necessary to renovate the property, and to maintain it going forward. However, creating such a plan is an expensive proposition for an Association like ours that operates on a tight budget.
Fortunately, we were made aware of a program managed by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) specifically focused on planning to preserve Illinois's Coastal Area, of which Canal Shores is a part.

The priorities for the Coastal Management Program are invasive species control; habitat, ecosystems and natural area restoration; areas of concern; persistent bio-accumulative toxins; sustainable development; non-point source pollution; information and indicator data collection; public access and recreation; and economic development. Read more about the IDNR program here.
Given that our vision for Canal Shores checks several of the above boxes, and that Evanston and Wilmette are environmentally conscious communities that we felt would be enthusiastic about supporting our plan, we applied for the grant. Thanks to the hard work of Superintendent Tom Tully, Board Members Steve Neumann, Chris Carey, and Debbie Weixl, and MWRD Commissioner Debra Shore, we made a strong case for Canal Shores and in January of 2016 were awarded a matching grant.
How does the grant work and where do we go from here?
The grant is intended to be used specifically to hire a Landscape Architecture / Ecology firm to assist us with the creation of our Master Plan, and to prepare "shovel ready" pilot projects. The amount is $20,000 and it is a matching grant. The mechanics are that we must spend the money first (up to $40,000), submit proof of the expense, and 50 cents on the dollar is returned to us.
Fundraising has commenced but is not completed and there is an urgency to the process as we have a finite amount of time in which we can take full advantage of the grant before it expires.
We have organized our internal financial management to direct donations specifically toward the Ecological Component of our planning and renovation. If you are a supporter of making Canal Shores a healthy and beautiful green space, and a more sustainable ecological resource for our community, we encourage you to donate to this project.
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